Everyone is allowed to import alcohol for personal use.
An alcohol-wholesale-license is required for the import of alcohol for resale, wholesale or production of alcohol for resale.
The license is issued by a district commissioner in each district. Further information can be obtained at the offices of the district commissioner or at leyfi@syslumenn.is.
Here you can find an application for a liquor store license.
The alcohol-wholesale-license grants the right to resell the product to resellers, which have license to sell alcohol to individuals such as restaurants, hotels, bars and the State Alcohol and Tobacco company of Iceland.
It should be pointed out that those who consider import and / or alcohol production must have applied for a license from the health authorities to obtain the alcohol-wholesale-license.
All those who have reached the age of 20 may import alcohol for their own use.
When importing alcohol, you must pay official fees, including alcohol tax, deposit and value added tax.
Information on alcohol tax can be found here: www.tollur.is
Learn more about alcohol imports.