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Event calculator

You can use this calculator to estimate the amount of wine for your event. Wine consultants have put forward suggestions for several events, but the calculation is for reference only. It is important that each one assesses their circumstances separately. Many things can affect the amount you need to buy, for example. weather, timing, guest composition etc.

It is return wine if something is left over, just remember to keep the note. If you are uncertain, do not hesitate to contact our specialist in Party Wine. Have fun, but remember that with alcohol comes with a responsibility!


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Our wine experts are ready to assist you

World-class wine school

Vínbúðin operates a wine school for its employees designed to increase their product knowledge and thereby increasing the level of service to customers. 

One of the world's most prestigious wine schools, WSET in London, has approved Vínbúðin wine experts as teachers for their Advanced Course. The aim is to offer high quality education and training in oenology (the study of wine). Vínbúðin now has a number of wine experts who have completed this international degree from WSET.