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Marques de Riscal Reserva (01616)

Red wine- Full-bodied and dry 1.5 L | 14%
9,500 Price per liter 6,333
Unavailable in web shop
Alcohol volume 14% vol.
Unit 1.5 L
Grape Variety Tempranillo 90%, Graciano 7%, Carignan 3%
Year 2018
Special marking Vegan
Country Spain
District Rioja
Provenance Rioja
Producer Marques de Riscal
Supplier Karl K. Karlsson - Bakkus ehf.
Packaging Glass bottle
Stopper Korktappi

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This product is not available in web store

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104 Skútuvogi5 units
Information about stock status is shown after each store, stock status is subject to change. Stock status was last updated at 16/06/2024 19:46. Please note that the appearance of the product may be different from picture (such as the vintage and packaging)