The managers of ÁTVR focus on creating a work environment that attracts qualified staff who have initiative and a friendly attitude, provide good service and respond to the different needs of the customer.
Work is constantly being done to ensure optimal working conditions for employees, good working facilities and therefore guarantee the possibility to grow and prosper in their work. Emphasis is placed on training and education in order to increase knowledge and professional contribution within the company. Stafræktur is a school, Vínskóli Vínbúða, which aims to increase the product knowledge of staff in order to be able to educate and serve customers in the best possible way. ÁTVR has received the Gold Medal of the PWC equal pay audit, but the audit identifies the gender pay gap within companies. ÁTVR pays all genders the same salary for similar jobs.
At ÁTVR, we promote a good work ethic, where trust and positive communication are paramount.