Sleppa valmynd og fara beint í meginmál


Vínblaðið - March 2016

Magazine about food and wine - in Icelandic

Vínblaðið - Descember 2015

Magazine about food and wine - in Icelandic

Vínblaðið - september 2015

Magazine about food and wine - in Icelandic.

Annual Report 2014

ATVR profit was 1,288 million isk compared with 1.304 million in 2013. Operating income was 28,645 million isk. Operating expenses were 27,351 million isk...

Vínblaðið - June 2015

Magazine about food and wine - in Icelandic

Vínblaðið - March 2015

Magazine about food and wine - in Icelandic.

Annual Report 2016

Ársskýrsla ÁTVR 2016 er komin út. Í skýrslunni má finna ítarlegar upplýsingar um starfsemi, rekstur og sundurliðanir um sölu áfengis og tóbaks.