Natural wine is a certain ideology of winemakers that originated in the 1960s in the province of Beaujolais, France. Winemakers Marcel Lapierre, Jean Foillard, Charly Thevenet and Guy Breton wanted to go back to the methods used before World War II. Natural, organic farming free of all synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and additives was the method in those days and "The Gang of Four", as these four winemakers were sometimes called, encouraged those old methods.
Here on our website, the wines are divided into categories by its characteristics, to help you find the right wine for you.
It's one of those summer days when the sun shines and people get out on their porches or yards; Some turn on the grill, while others make a delicious salad. What's better than enjoying the lovely food with some chilled rosé? Rosé is fresh, and therefore well suited for the summer heat, and it‘s also a very good wine to pair with food.
The origins of the deilicious Spanish dish tapas is not quite known, but the most likely explanation is that when wine was served in Spain, a slice of bread or thin meat was placed over the glass to keep the flies away. This is not an unlikely explanation since the word 'tapas' is derived from the Spanish/Portuguese verb tapar, 'to cover'.
Fræðsla er stór hluti í þjónustu Vínbúðanna og er vel við hæfi að hefja nýtt ár á Ítalíu, en vín þaðan njóta aukinna vinsælda og þá sér í lagi rauðvínin.